Popcorn revenge movie
13 April 2024
Pretty decent action / revenge flick Of course, no action movie would be complete without a healthy dose of adrenaline, and this film delivers it during the fighting scenes; which are very good choreographed, with wide shots, so you don't miss any of punches and the kicks.

There are moments of genuine heart and humanity that somehow elevate the film a little bit; but not to the point that it gets too emotional. .Whether it's a tender moment between two characters or a poignant revelation that changes everything, these emotional beats add some depth and resonance to the story. We have: the hero, the though cop, the silly cop, few ridiculous thugs, a (sometimes annoying) child ; all this in a popcorn movie. Do not expect too much. If you desire depth and rawness I would recommend : Death Sentence, Ballerina, I Saw The Devil.
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