Review of 30 Rock

30 Rock (2006–2013)
Brilliant humor but too smart for the general public
12 April 2024
This is without a doubt one of the funniest shows ever. The humor is witty, wacky, outrageous, and much of it would be considered taboo in today's over-sensitive (i.e. Very boring) society, as confirmed by a few episodes being pulled from syndication, streaming and physical media in 2020. 30 Rock pokes fun at stereotypes and the brilliance of Tina Fey is ever-present. Her out of left field comments, dialects and impressions are perfected in either a hilarious deadpan or comically over the top. The writers pushed boundaries but always as an obvious joke.

Despite what some may think of Alec Baldwin on a personal level, there's no denying that he has a fantastic comedic streak, with reactions and responses often hysterical in a straight-faced delivery. The chemistry between Fey and Baldwin is one for the ages, and never dull.

Other primary cast members are like insane cartoons, with Tracey being the harmless and well-intentioned lunatic and Jenna being shamelessly self-absorbed and narcissistic. Kenneth is the charming simpleton with the mystery of his elderly age hinted at and played up throughout the series.

30 Rock was a critical darling but constantly struggled to find the ratings. When you see the junk that often become massively popular sitcoms, shows of massive talent, originality and bottomless humor like 30 Rock are too smart for general society. While it managed to squeak out seven seasons, two of which were about half the size of normal seasons, it wasn't near enough. The episodes are so dense with humor and wit that you'll often find something you didn't notice the first, second, or even third time you watched it, likely because you were laughing through it.
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