Fallout (2024– )
Fanboys can go to vault 112 and be happy there :))
12 April 2024
Fallout was one of my first games ever and played every single one of them, i'm huge fanboy too and i can't believe those fanatics giving low ratings lol. I was expecting something worse to be honest but other than some minor setbacks that can surely be ignored, even newcomers can really enjoy this fun show. Yes for the newcomers this universe has a lot to take in and in the first glance it can be really really overwhelming and the show does not make a good job to ease you in, it does it later on but they should have just start with 'war, war never changes' and explain the state of the world for the viewers to digest it in. After a few episodes it really explains a lot expecially about the vault tec and the political, social, ethical spects about the universe but for an 8 episode series they should have done the explaining in 15 minutes and jump into the action. It's so goofy and cheesy and it doesnt take itself seriously like the games, acting is great even though i was prepared to hate Lucy but i didn't lol. Goggins is delight to watch as always, Maximus is an amazing character with a plenty of room to grow. Music is unbelievable, designs are Oscar worthy, great production really captures the life in the vaults but it comes a little bit short when it comes to westlands but it will become better in S2 i hope. Screw the fanatic fanboys really just enjoy this beauty..
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