Another So-So Serial from Halop & Company
12 April 2024
Junior G-Men of the Air is the third of three serials that starred the Dead End Kids and Little Tough Guys which were made between 1940 and 42. The earlier chapter plays that featured this group were Junior G-Men and Sea Raiders---in that order.

All three films used variations on the same basic plot. A secret organization (a gang of mobsters in the first serial and axis spy rings in the last two) steals a new invention with military applications and kidnaps its inventor. This plot was used ad nauseam in serials during the first half of the 1940's.

Junior G-Men of the Air has its fair share of flaws. Lionel Atwill was cast as the head of a group of Japanese saboteurs. He wears make up designed to make him look Asian and speaks in a mock Japanese accent, both of which can best be described as awful. Frank Albertson portrayed the teenager who headed the Junior G-Men, even though he was thirty-three at the time of filming and his hairline had receded a tad. There was no way in Hell he could have convincingly play an adolescent. Moreover, the miniature work is mostly unconvincing.

This film does contain some credible performances. The Dead End Kids (Billy Hallop, Huntz Hall, Bernard Punsley and Gabriel Dell) are energetic, likable and wisecracking heroes. They make a refreshing change from the bland, stiff actors in their thirties who usually play the good guys in chapter plays. Richard Lane does a nice job as a tough, fast talking and good natured police detective. He is an improvement over the actors (see above) often cast in such roles. Turhan Bey (as one of the baddies) effectively conveys a sense of dread and menace.

Junior G-Men is a good, but not exceptional, serial. I have a sneaking suspicion that the people who find it enjoyable are, like me, fans of the four stars. All others, should probably seek out a better serial. If you are in the mood for a cliffhanger full of fascist intrigue, I heartily recommend Spy Smasher.
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