History Repeats Itself
11 April 2024
This film is a product of its time, and although some of the acting may appear hammy on occasion, it's based on a true story and harks back to a time when the Soviet Union was doing its best to subvert American democracy.

The real life undercover agent upon whom the film is based showed not only great courage, but also had the strength of character to suffer estrangement from his son and siblings in order to carry out his mission. I don't think this type of patriotic commitment would be easy to find in America of 2024.

What makes this film particularly relevant is that its themes appear to be recurring in real life as a write, with some political elements actively fomenting racial discord, free speech under attack and anti-Semitism hitting unimaginable new heights.

In view of these concerns, this film appears ominously prescient and perhaps serves as a cautionary tale of where we might now be headed. Let's all hope it is not so.
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