Love beyond sound
10 April 2024
Some viewers compare "A Sign of Affection" to "A Silent Voice" because they both feature deaf characters. However, the two shows have distinct styles. "A Silent Voice" tackles heavy themes like depression and finding beauty in life, while "A Sign of Affection" offers a lighter experience that focuses on the daily life of a deaf person.

"A Sign of Affection" is a refreshing take on the shoujo genre, which doesn't have many new releases these days. It breaks away from clichés like the aloof male lead or overused reverse harem tropes. Instead, the story emphasizes the importance of genuine communication, particularly through sign language (which is interestingly portrayed with expressive facial features!).

This anime revolves around a sweet romance where the main character, Yuki, who is deaf, falls for a charming guy. While her deafness creates hurdles, the love interest makes a real effort to understand and support her needs, strengthening their bond. What truly elevates this show is its genuine portrayal. Forget cheesy tropes like love at first sight; Yuki grapples with her feelings realistically, seeking advice from her friends whenever needed.

Thanks to the meticulous research by author Suu Morishita, Yuki's deafness is depicted with exceptional accuracy, capturing the nuances of deaf culture. The directing is equally impressive, avoiding any mockery. Clever choices, like the gradual fading of sound in the opening scenes, subtly immerse viewers in Yuki's world and encourage empathy for her experiences.

Craving a sweet romance and a deeper look into deafness? "A Sign of Affection" delivers on both. This anime stands out as a top contender with its realistic portrayal of love and communication. It offers a refreshing perspective on the shoujo genre, making it a must-watch.
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