Bank of Dave (2023)
It Was Great Movie
9 April 2024
Bank of Dave

Well, despite the homespun northern stereotypes this was a great movie, the whole thing rested on Joel Fry and Roy Kinnear and they delivered in spades.

The banking intrigues and court stuff worked, the romantic and rock concert elements did not, there was just no chemistry between Joel and the female doctor, of course this is only my opinion. I liked the character choices that Joel chose for his character diffident yet unassuming and yet prepared to step up to the plate when needed to it really was a fine bit of acting.

Overall it was a very traditional movie with a firm beginning a strong middle and a very nice ending. This arc like structure is very unusual today in movies and was a very pleasant surprise.

Overall this is a 7 out of 10 very much a family feel good movie I did feel however there were to many overly contrived scenes to illicit emotion in the viewer. It reminded me a lot of the full Monty.
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