Totally recommended, a work of art.
9 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Based on the book that practically has the same name and written by a former employee of the black durazo. It narrates part of the same book in a graphic way, only removing minimal details that were possibly edited in the final cut and that perhaps did appear in the director's version.

The resemblance to reality it has is incredible, from the actor who played Durazo, to the scripts, situations and characters that appear in it, giving us to understand why these types of films became either very good or bad.

When we see the plot, we realize that it is captivating and it is worth highlighting especially the performances of Rodolfo de Anda, Eric del Castillo who show their acting skills from the beginning of the film to the end.

At the time it was highly censored and banned, until it was released and demonstrated the reason for corruption in Mexico and part of the world. I highly recommend the movie, specifically the scenes where Durazo and his family appear. A gem that you should not miss for any reason.
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