9 April 2024
Hacking at Leaves offers a compelling look into the interplay of the US' colonial legacy, Navajo history, and hacker culture, skillfully directed by Johannes Grenzfurthner. Through the story of a Colorado tinker space aiding COVID relief, it combines historical depth with technological activism, featuring engaging performances, notably by Max Grodénchik and Morningstar Angeline.

The documentary presents a multifaceted discussion, enriched by diverse interviews that highlight the systemic challenges faced by the Navajo Nation against the backdrop of community-driven technological solutions. Grenzfurthner's approach, blending introspection with cultural collaboration, adds depth to the narrative, underscoring themes of resilience and hope.

With its striking cinematography and thoughtful direction, "Hacking at Leaves" is more than a film; it's a reflection on activism, technology, and the narratives that define our history. It challenges viewers to consider the impact of collective action in addressing societal issues, making it a significant, thought-provoking watch.
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