EWTN Live (2002– )
Comments getting turned off no doubt by EWTN
8 April 2024
I actually have to say that spiritually the masses are fantastic but a couple of Times i have made comments because there is a particular priest whose name escapes me he's very very light skinned very overweight and younger and he just seems like a card carrying member of the socialist Party

Maybe his problem is that he forgets to mention where he is talking about because he just keeps on talking about the poor and joblessness and disparity in people making tons of money while others don't have enough and this is not Fair and all i know is i live in a neighborhood with expensive $1,000,000 homes and people have a hard time affording their homes and cut their own grass because the gardeners here all want to get Rich the pool Men don't respect the rules and make a lot of noise at 5:00 in the morning waking everybody up And the City takes a ton of money in taxes among the Max anywhere in the States and yet donates tons of money to all sorts of charities where on that end i know what they do with the money

You see i run homes to the alleged nations poor at least the ones that live in our City and those people have the ability to work but refuse to do so instead they try to get everything for free starting with a rent and even at One point i was told when asking about why One Lady was on section 8 instead of working and the response was that she inherited it

So maybe they should start making masses about the lazy mother dash dash dash who are exploiting others that are trying to be middle class or are trying to be comfortable or are trying to retire because let me tell you something there's a lot of real poor people out there that are not getting help because there's a huge Mass of them pretending they are when they're just lazy And there's a whole bunch of elderly people who don't get support that they need because it's expensive to give it to them so they get ignored but this Group amazingly enough generally composed of Women from their late 20s to their late 30s for the most part go out have tons of kids spend a lot of money change houses like they change their shoes When they wanna leave a House early they break it damage it and call the inspection's Team in because guess what you're responsible if they clog the plumbing and when you tell me have a video to show them of what you took out and your plumber took out they don't want to be bothered to see it

So i don't think you should be talking to me about the nation's poor as they call it or the abuse by Rich people that are creating Jobs and working hard getting to the place we all wanna get to simply because there's some sort of Trend out there based on misinformation and this priest wants to go along with it

On the other Hand father Mitch is fantastic and very spiritual but today he was talking about a criminal called hess who created the concentration Camps in nazi germany and began to tell us a story that brought me no tears as to how this man wanted to confess and spent hours in confession and eventually received communion Like a little Child all after he got caught

Father Mitch then began to talk to us about forgiveness and I'm sorry but i don't think God forgave hess and let him bypass Hell and again i don't like these homilies because they're not correct and the bible is very clear you just cannot confess when you're about to be killed cause he knew what his punishment was Which was coming shortly

Even if he had a flash of reality at that point and realize what he did was wrong it is not very consoling for father Mitch to imply that God forgave this man when Church teachings do not support what he is saying not when the Violations were so intense and so vile

Does father Mitch expect the Devil not to do that if he could fool God into forgiveness question Mark and who is father Mitch to decide what God did in a situation like that question Mark i Love father Mitch but i think he missed the Mark on this One and yet this was a very powerful story

We have enough people going around doing bad things all the time and this only inspires them even further

If this was the case then our Christian based laws would not call for the death sentence and if this was the case there'd be no police and no punishment and no Law and order of course

I really think these precincts go back and recap some other Miss teachings and mistakes as well as their overreaching because just like doctors priests sometimes get and can get this God like complex when they're supposed to be humble servants

I also find it harsh that my comments have been turned off and i never did that but i had commented about this first priest that i mentioned here before and no doubt my comments didn't fit the agenda of EWTN or maybe with some other mistake and my apologies if it was but i find it very interesting that i can no longer make comments right after a Mass

I don't think that Church doctor is something that should change with the tides and The Times or be based on what is popular but of course i do believe the Church has to survive at all cost but not by misleading the Flock.
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