Amazing anime
8 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Hello Fellow Humans,

This is a great anime. Well worth watching. Of course you have your classic boy is smart and not into anything but studying and 5 identical girls that are all dumb as doornails but all fall in love with him. You know your typical Japanese awkward boy meets herom story. But seriously it is about stepping out of your comfort zone and not judging a book by it's cover even if that cover is really stupid. It is a fun happy and silly anime and worth watching.

But the elephant in the room that bothers me about society. Why do we force monogamy on everyone? Who said you can only love one person for the rest of your life. Besides the obvious that these are all identical sisters these are girls in love with the same guy. So if the guy is fine with it then why can't he marry them all? I mean seriously think about it two can stay home and cook and clean and raise the kids while the others all work. They would all be adults and they would all be happy. It makes zero sense why some religion I don't believe in forces all people to only have one significant other. No mammal on this planet is monogamous except us and we in the USA have something like a 70% divorce rate so clearly it isn't working out. Maybe small groups would be more successful. So be open minded and maybe someday you can marry quintuplets haha.
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