Monkey Man (2024)
A More Disturbing John Wick
8 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Rating: 7.2

Pretty good, it's essentially John Wick with a darker backstory, different race, and zero resources to execute his task. The movie was brutal as people would be getting visibly sliced open, fingers chopped off, shot etc, the action was intense, well choreographed and disturbing, and the ending was more realistic as monkey man succumbs to his injuries and dies. The side characters could've been stronger as the main antagonists motivations boiled down to "oppress and destroy because they're on sacred land we want," and the other protagonists like Pitobash weren't all that interesting they just helped out once and tagged along for the rest of the film. Some things make no sense like the police not attempting to recover Monkey Man's body when he was sniped yet the villagers did this without being detected. Or the final fight sequence where nobody had a gun to protect the most important person in the nation which conveniently allows Monkeyman to melee everyone. The villagers teaming up with monkey man was silly and Rana deciding to just wait on an upper floor for monkeyman to fight him instead of calling for more backup was stupid. Other than that a pretty good watch.
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