Absorbing policier dvelops into moody, compelling psychological thriller
7 April 2024
One of Claude Chabrol's most underrated movies, "Blood Relatives" begins as a police procedural, with interrogations, police line-ups, red herrings, etc., but gradually transforms into a psychological family drama, with long flashbacks that take up nearly the entire second half; the ultimate solution of the murder is guessable for fans of the genre, but remains chilling to see unfold on the screen. Aude Landry (why did she have to quit acting so early? She shows huge potential here) and Lisa Langlois give haunting performances, and Donald Sutherland is effectively introspective as the inspector who, much like Hercule Poirot, tries to understand the psychology of the crime in order to get to the truth. The Montreal setting is refreshingly different and just right for this moody, understated film; it stays in your memory. *** out of 4.
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