South African ego still alive and well
7 April 2024
I grew up in South Africa so it's possible that my point of view is biased.

South Africa has managed to produce a few good productions, but unfortunately, this is not one of them. Almost every scene feels like a good effort for student film makers still learning their trade..... Not a professional production. The storyline has so much potential, only to to brought down by the typically over indulgent South African ego, an ego completely blind to it's own shortcomings. Believe me, I know, at one time I was blind to my own.

I know this is not a very evidence based review, it's more based on my personal experiences of growing up in South Africa. But what I will say, is that the level of film making does actually reflect the level of cultural development of the nation as a whole. In other words, South Africans may actually really like and enjoy this film, and even feel that it is a good film, on par with something like one of the Scandi Dramas for example. As a European, I just cannot see this, or abide by this. But I do accept the relative differences in perception.

For me, it was a difficult film to watch. I could not help but see the South African ego tripping over itself, one scene after the other. Such a pity.
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