SLOW, hasn't aged well, nonsense title, cool F-14 jets
6 April 2024
The title of this review sums it up:

The movie is ungodly slow to get going. Even the intro credits are ridiculously drawn out. Why?? Yes the technical aspects of the Navy and the Nimitz are apparently technically sound. But do you have to film every little operational details and show over and over again? Of course not, unless you have a thin screenplay.

Next is the title: what does it mean and how does it relate to the plot of the movie? Answer: Nothing and it doesn't.

The time travel concept has been done many many times after this movie came out and much much better. The twist was seen coming pretty much right when the particular character was first introduced. I won't reveal spoilers of who that was.

Kirk Douglas was not a convincing captain. He flip-flopped his decisions based on what exactly? I couldn't tell. He couldn't either. Martin Sheen (Apocalypse Now) is one of my favorite actors but didn't have much to do here. Wasted talent.

Watching the F-14s fly around was pretty cool though. Just wish they would've blown more stuff up.

Oh, one last thing. The musical accompaniment during some of the action scenes was intrusive and overdone. I wanted to yell "shut up, I'm watching a movie!"
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