Leaving the audience in the state of Trishanku.
5 April 2024
Full disclaimer - I always hesitate to bash a film after attending it's premiere show and most of the time I have held onto that principle.

Continuing from where the part 1 ended, overacting Anil alias Karna is now back to his usual life as the junior artist. Back home, Susheela still yearns for Karna and her son Kumara is not reciprocating to the motherly love. As expected even Siri misses him, making Rama Jois to allow Anil back into their home. This pitches both the sons against each other while Darka is executing his evil plan to enter Trishanku swarga and attain immortality. Who is Anil and his backstory? Will he be able to save the family and himself from Darka, forms rest of the story.

Once again Suni struggles with an incoherent screenplay that fails to engage the audience. Adding to that is the awful VFX and the poor dubbing which simply made the final product looked like a rushed one, getting released just for the heck of it. Part 1 had it's shortcomings but atleast it had a promising premise and ended by hyping up the part 2. However, the haphazard narrative and the questionable editing throws away any sort of hope that was left of this being a decent film.
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