Firefly (2002–2003)
B Team Sci-Fi done really well
5 April 2024
First off, as far as world building goes - this thing is a 12 out of 10.

The premise is fantastic.

I can only imagine what they could have done with 10 seasons.

But it does have issues.

It feels 2nd rate at times.

Some shots/scenes feel as if it's a late 80s/early 90s show.

I think every character on the show was miscast.

(This is evident in the fact NONE of them became anything.)

EVERYTHING great about this show is a tribute to the creators, not the people they picked to act it out.

(They weren't horrible, don't get me wrong. But none of them were amazing as their role.)

But it's undeniably fun sci fi.

The reavers by far the best part, and should have been used more.

I would check it out if you like such.
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