One Of The Stupidest Ever
5 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
We watch a lot of mysteries, and I mean a LOT. We watch a different mystery every night, and we've been doing it for many years. We currently have 46 different shows and I've lost track of how many complete ones we have already seen, such as Broadchurch, Morse, Lynley, Baptiste, Prime Suspect, Marple, you get the idea. So when I say I know the difference between a good mystery and a bad one I mean it. This is one of the worst I've ever had the displeasure of sitting through. The stupid in this one really ran deep. Examples:

Believing that a WW2 pistol, along with 80 year old ammunition, would be sold at an auction house in a country with strict gun control laws.

Not only knowing the exact spot to look for a clue that is under water but then throwing in your little magnet and pulling it up on the first try.

Announcing with an important-sounding voice to an intruder and possible murder suspect that you are making a citizen's arrest and coming out of that in one piece.

Having a group of local busybodies walk into an establishment wanting to talk to the owner, getting laughed at then having everything turn serious when they flash their little club cards and announce that actually, this is a police matter then not get laughed at even more.

Having a dog that, in the past, all you have ever done is take for walks and on your command have it smash through a window and go straight for the bad guy's gun hand just like a trained K9.

You get the idea. Not only was the acting bad, the plot was ridiculous and the ending beggared belief. The only saving grace is that it was just 2 parts so I know never to bother getting this drivel again in the future.
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