Road House (2024)
Surprising and promising
5 April 2024
To be short:

I watched this movie with a feeling I am watching long long trailed for future movies.

First thing:

I enjoyed the movie because of Jake Gyllenhaal. I see him as one of the best male characters these days in cinema. I saw many of his movies and he is a perfect cinema guy. In any kind of story. Crime story? Yes. Drama? Yes. Can he play a good guy? Yeah. Can he play cynical character? Oh yeah!

And now he plays a fighter and it seems really cool and nice.

The enters McGregor.

Many here critisize him for his smile, accent or hemmorhoid walk. Actually it did not spoil pleasure watching him. It got me interested. He seemed to me like some cartoon character. Drawn too hard crayon.

I always say that the good action movie depends mainly on a bad guy. As I watched him he was like in some kind of experimenting with his abilities. I feel or rather I am sure that with some polishing of acting we will see him seen in movies when he would replace Statham. Hood English accent from lower London, good fighting skills and great smile. Not Gary Busey - we all miss him in such moments don't we ? Yet for me he was a good insertion - some kind of on screen casting.

Good fighting scenes. Pretty well directed and planned.

And the story ? It was completely empty.

Other characters? Completely invisible.


Funny parts in Jake's mouth.

Some stolen from other movies - like hospital talk before fight taken from Reacher One Shot with Tom Cruise.

The rest? Not really important because fury of the main guy was important and confrontation was important. Actually the movie was all about it.

Some muscle movie - finally - almost free from LOVE.... free from sexual orientation declarations and so on. Simple message - "This movie is about MMA". And I read this signal. That is why I was not dissappionted.
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