A Hollow Earth For A Hollow Film
2 April 2024
Godzilla x Kong is undeniably vacuous and as hollow as the imaginary world it portrays. It's essentially a very forgettable monster mashup that aims for the heights of the epic and terrifying; but instead serves an OTT nonstop chest-beating slugfest, smothered in tawdry CGI. It's overpowered monster WWE seemingly presented as something the filmmakers *believe* or estimate an audience will like; as if it were the product of a soulless spreadsheet.

These tired titans of bygone cinema have been pulled back into the limelight as the viewer suffers a nowhere-plot aimed at the lowest common denominator. The Kaiju terror is here, but in a very watered-down state.

No dialogue because it's just senseless roaring beasts? Don't need to pay anyone to write a good script. Excessive closeups of the beasts all the time? Well that handily means they didn't need to animate higher-budget complex scenes from a more interesting POV. Sensory overload to distract the viewer from the complete lack of actual substance? Check. The corner-cutting is so apparent the more you look; the buck is passed onto the consumers who continue to accept this poor standard of filmmaking time and time again.

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