Better than the first installment
1 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Wordplay/Dreams for Sale/Chameleon was better than the first installment pilot episode. Wordplay I get the message about not understanding, but the human condition was universal. Kind of like being at work and everyone is speaking in a foreign language or watching a relative try to communicate suffering from dementia. Kind of long winded but okay. Dreams for sale with the double talk, skips etc with A I and virtual reality can see that happen in 24 not that far off of an episode for the future. Wow what a plot twist. Solid. Chameleon was a memorable episode when I was a teenager watching the episode at buddy Wilfred's house. The shuttle and high tech was neat to watch. The transformation Chameleon was spell bounding. What works was the ending when a hand is offered to go with the Chameleon. My wife asked, just like Wilfred would you go? No! Same answer both times, and I doubt it was the same guy talking in the end. Memorable last one. The last two were strong makes 8 stars worth watching.
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