Miller's Girl (2024)
Zero chemistry and pretentious dialogue throughout
1 April 2024
Who is guiding Jenna Ortega on her career moves at the moment? She's one of the hottest stars in the world and yet she is working on these terrible scripts that don't suit her and aren't ever going to result in a good movie, even if she turns in a great performance - which she doesn't here.

The biggest problem in 'Miller's Girl' is that the leads have zero chemistry. Both Ortega and Martin Freeman are putting on fake accents (not very well; they drop in and out of them constantly throughout the film), and I'm not sure if that got in the way, but their interactions are painful to watch and contain none of the charm and chemistry that the script obviously intended for them to have.

And without that the film has nothing to fall back on. It doesn't know how to make a scene interesting. There's no X-factor or spice to anything in the movie. Just the same pretentious dialogue on repeat.

The result is a bore of a film and one that feels a lot longer than the 90 minute runtime is contains. This was a disappointingly bad film. 4/10.
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