31 March 2024
CAN WE WATCH IT? YES WE CAN! This is the most emotional and touching Bob the Builder masterpiece. It's a one of a kind Bob the Builder production showcasing a brand new adventure of Bob and his machine team as it's the pilot episode of the second Bob the Builder Stop Motion Era titled Project Build It. There are lots of changes starting from this pilot episode. For Example, the intro and outro have different scenes in them. In addition, the voices of Lofty, Spud and Mr Bentley have changes. Lofty has a different US voice whereas Spud and Mr Bentley's UK voices are used in both dubs. Sunflower Valley truly is a wonderful place to be. You know, I can relate to Bob when he had a nightmare of Sunflower Valley turning into a city. I don't want certain things to change completely either but sadly, that's just how some things in life are. A example of bad changes are the reboots of both this show and Thomas the Tank Engine. However, the original versions of this show and Thomas the Tank Engine will always be alive and are still around. I'm glad that Bob came up with a model for Sunflower Valley just in the nick of time and it's very clever. His idea to rebuild sunflower valley is all about reducing, reusing and recycling along with many other ways of construction that is environment friendly. Also, the scene where the Bobsville residents bid farewell to Bob and the machine team as they depart to Sunflower Valley is very very emotional. I felt slightly teary while thinking about it. Wendy was on vacation throughout most of the episode but she soon moves to Sunflower Valley. It's hard to see friends move on to other places but sometimes it happens and that doesn't mean the friendships will end. It just means that they'll be staring a new chapter in their lives as will we. Also, I'd like to reference the scene where Bob mentions steam engines and how they were powered as it reminds me of Thomas the Tank Engine. I thought I'd make that reference while talking about this episode. I'd also like to warmly welcome Scambler to the team as he's a cool quad bike. This is gonna be a fresh start for Bob and the machine team. CAN WE BELIEVE IN THEM? YES WE CAN!
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