Obvious Clue Missed
31 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Why is it in this episode when the teenage son says he cut his finger when he broke a window in Zacs room and that he "Fixed It" before his parents found out. Why didn't CSI check for a cut finger? He had none. AND why didn't they check the window to see if had been replaced? And, what teenage boy Knows how to replace window glass? AND why didn't CSI check for Glass on the rug??

These were so obvious clues that should have been immediately checked out and would have answered so many question right off. How would that son even know where to buy glass? Or take the window sash out to get it fixed professionally? Where would he get the money from. Plus they were not even clear when this happened! The night the parents went out out the Neighbor watch meeting when they were gone only 30 minutes???
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