The Pirates of Penzance (2006 TV Movie)
Presentation is more like a high school production
29 March 2024
Actors: Anthony Warlow, David Hobson, John Baton-wood, Susanne Johnston, Taryn Fiebig.

First, the stage setting is quite small and sparse for a Gilbert and Sullivan play. The costumes are too improved. The actors mostly mumble their parts. I was surprised to find that even the "Modern Major General" was mumbled. I know that this is Australian but the whole entourage could use some elocution lessons.

The advantage of a live play is that you can insert local or contemporary jokes. They may be local and contemporary for the Australian audience; however, they were just annoying and distracting by the time they got to the US.

Moreover, the whole Jonney Depp (Jack Sparrow) portrait by Anthony Warlow is so contrived as to lose the original character of the play. David Hobson (46 years old at the time) was excessively ancient and decrepit to play a 21-Year-Old.

I only watched the Blu-ray version so I cannot compare. But you could see David Hobson's age. The sets were crisp and colorful. The DVD and Blu-ray have a lack of extras.

A good addition to your pirate collection is "The Pirates of Penzance; in Full Score" ISBN-13: 978-0486418919.
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