Easter Evil (2024)
Oh dear God...
28 March 2024
Right, well when I sat down to watch the 2024 movie "Easter Evil", I was expecting to be in for a horror comedy. Sure, I hadn't heard about the movie prior to sitting down and watching it, but I figured that I would give the movie a chance, since it was a horror comedy that I hadn't already seen.

Talk about a swing and a miss. I don't know what writers Jared Masters and Elizabeth Rath were thinking when they concocted the script and storyline here. It was a horrible viewing experience, complete with wooden acting performances, cringeworthy dialogue and just downright boredom.

Needless to say that I wasn't familiar with a single actor or actress on the cast list here. Not that I would say that there was any acting going on at all throughout the 37 minutes of pure boredom that I suffered through. It was wooden performances with lifeless deliveries of cringeworthy dialogue.

I made it almost halfway through the abysmal ordeal that is "Easter Evil", then I was ready to claw my eyes out. This is definitely not a movie that I will ever return to a second time and attempt to finish watching. The first time around was more boring that any man has to endure.

Do yourself a favor and stay well clear of this dumpster fire of a movie. It wasn't so bad that it even surpassed being so bad that it was fun to watch. Yeah, "Easter Evil" was just hands down a waste of time.

My rating of "Easter Evil" lands on a one out of ten stars.
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