Diarra from Detroit (2024– )
Better then my expectations!
28 March 2024
I'm an old fan of BET, but stopped watching it because of the stereotypical tropes about black people it pushed.

I've been looking for a good reason to comeback and support the channel...DIARRA FROM DETROIT did it!

I hope there is a second season. I love who done its and this one had a twist!

Loved the dialogue, acting, directing, and writing. I could relate to the characters and their pop culture references! My generation of folk did this!!!

I only have two critiques: The lighting in the beginning was terrible, but I blame the companies that make stage lights, which tend to be very harsh toward brown and black skin. The second complaint is the unnecessary references to being a black woman. Hear me out! As a black woman, let's take up space everywhere. As a writer and lover of fiction, once it's said it doesn't have to be referenced again, but the points following can still be made. Meaning, trust your audience to understand that whatever is happening in the episode is understood to be happening to a black person. And give other groups of people to connect with the situation.

I hope I explained my last point well enough. I gotta run and do their stuff.
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