Review of Be Big!

Be Big! (1931)
28 March 2024
Classic Laurel and Hardy, which actually was a comedy experiment in one scene. The boys get word of a wild stag party, and use the old routine of being too sick to go away with the wives. So Mrs. Laurel And Mrs. Hardy catch a train to Atlantic City and Stan and Ollie are home free, right?

First off, it's time to change --and Hardy happens to be wearing Stan's tight boots. All they got to do is pull them off.

This was the comedy experiment that some critics claim went on too long. That said, it's actually quite ingenius, and shows the team's versatility, if not talent for gymnastics. In the process of attempting to remove the boots, such as using a cheap bootjack? -- while grabbing a steaming radiator and curtains for leverage, they manage to wreck the apartment. And could this all have been avoided, had Hardy not been in a rocking chair in the first place?

Lots of credit is due Hardy for his bruising pratfalls, including stumbling into a sunken tub filled with water. In the meanwhile, the wives miss their train and return home... The boys have to hide and end up in a bed that folds into a wall! This gag is laugh out loud funny.

Beware! The ladies grab a shot gun!

Once again, the production crew demonstrates their creativity. Laurel and Hardy are literally blown through the other side of the wall and into the street, replete with bricks, wood, smoke and feathers? See to believe.

10 Stars, and re-done in both Spanish and French versions that had Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy reading their lines (in different languages) off cue cards.

This short was followed by the legendary R- rated CHICKENS COME HOME (1931).
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