25 March 2024
If you're a true crime fan, the Netflix original, "Lover, Stalker, Killer," is for you. The film follows the true story of Dave Kroupa and his experience with a former lover turned psychotic stalker in the early 2010s. The release was directed by Sam Hobkinson and premiered Friday, Feb. 9, quickly overtaking first place in "Movies Today" on Netflix the day of its release. The plot consists heavily of twists and turns. Whenever an outcome seems obvious, it is debunked within the next few scenes.

Kroupa initially met his offender through a dating app, which is where the obsessive behavior sparks. The story is retold through interviews with Kroupa, his ex-wife and law enforcement officials who worked on the case. This is paired with evidence, photos, videos and reenactment scenes in which Kroupa makes an appearance by playing himself, making the story easy to follow. The combination of film and documentary styles makes the storyline engaging for audiences. The storytelling is strong with the use of flashbacks that recreate specific scenarios.

A unique aspect of the film that is uncommon for documentaries is the insight into other characters' lives. The detectives speak about their life experiences during the period outside of their work. This gives the understanding that these are real people balancing life and an excruciating four year long investigation.

From a production standpoint, the film suffers from over-dramatized music and lighting. Yet, I would argue that it fits the narrative and the emotion it attempts to evoke. This kind of cinematic value also grasps audiences and makes a documentary alluring. The plot may be predictable for some, but the creative narration diverts your imagination from figuring it out through intentional storytelling. In addition, the film emphasizes certain characters to confuse audiences. Descriptions of people cue hints as to their motives, but nothing is quite verified until the ending. The constant switch between various accusations makes viewers question the underlying tone of every line of dialogue. It is evident that regardless of what characters say they believed at the time, the answer won't be clear until the final minutes of the documentary. This build-up captivates audiences and helps them better understand the confusing leads detectives deal with.

For those unsure if they can stomach a documentary like this, it's not visually graphic, although disturbing events are described. Alongside this, it's always a bit uncomfortable to know something like this occurred not too long ago. I am someone who loves thrillers with the understanding that they're fiction. True crime such as this can instill a fear of the horrific realities in the world. The depths at which the perpetrator submits to terrorize Kroupa are terrifying. The number of innocent people affected by this tragedy is truly heartbreaking. The film doubles as an eye-opener to the inner workings of criminals as well as entertainment. Likewise, the film shows how expanding technologies can damage society's safety and ease the ability of people to get away with crimes. Viewers may need to think twice before using their beloved dating apps and trusting strangers.
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