3 Body Problem (2024– )
Breathless and shallow but enjoyable......however no Game of Thrones this
24 March 2024
First let's be VERY VERY CLEAR about this - it's no Game of Thrones, whether you take the title music or richness of characters or the world building, or the powerful storylines etc etc it's not even close to being a shadow of the Game of Thrones.

The sad reality of how Netflix wants to drive streaming is short, punchy, rapid fire, binge streaming model in where there is no time to really develop anything, and if the viewer does not finish the series in one setting then that is taken as reason enough to cancel future seasons!!!!

Therefore without giving away any spoilers the show reveals everything at the end of episode 1, everything happens at breakneck speed, and no one is given any time to think or savor anything at all - just keep bingeing episode after episode.

The net result is perfect for the current ADD-infested social media driven generation, each scene makes its point in maybe 3-5 seconds, characters make superficially profound utterances in a few words, you unquestionably absorb whatever is presented, give your superficial thumbs up or whatever to the glossy exhibits presented to you and you move on.

This is shallow glitzy low brow entertainment at its best and the so-called veneer of science is laughable for anyone who has bothered to even spend more than a few minutes with abstract physics and philosophical questions.

For the rest of you - it's an awesomely shallow whoo-hoo roller coaster style entertainment that requires you to leave your brain and skepticism at home and breathlessly accept and enjoy it all - and for such a low bar it's great value for money and time .......enjoy!!!!!
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