Horrible writing, dull direction redeemed by charismatic actors
24 March 2024
It's almost impossible to believe that a human wrote this script -- the dialog is so flat, the action so predictable, the story so maudlin -- that you begin to think that some AI program churned out these insanely bad lines. The direction is equally off-kilter: instead of creating interest, it creates banality with its total lack of imagination and creatively,

What does work, and what makes this show worth watching, are the actors: both Galitzine and Zachary Perez do an outstanding job taking insipid lines and somehow making them work, because both men have so much charm that the screen practically drips with it. Without the inspired casting, this would have ranked as a low-level Hallmark film. With the casting, it works very well. (Except that poor Uma Thurman can no more pull off a Texas accent than the queen of England could.)
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