Passable and violent sequel in which the teenage girl must defend herself against a domestic terrorist cell.
23 March 2024
A vengeance thriller with chills, suspense, brutal fights and gory killings . The film once again stars Lulu Wilson (Annabelle: Creation, Ouija: the origin of evil) .¨Becky¨(2020) is followed by this sequel titled ¨The Wrath of Becky¨ (2023) in which the brave 16-year-old , continuing her former adventure with murderous Neo-Nazis in the previous film made her even more cynical and emotionally numb, this follow-up packing more humorous tone than its predecessor, nowadays confronting racist rednecks. Directed by two directors: Matt Angel, Suzanne Coote with Lulu Wilson, Seann William Scott , Denise Burse , Jill Larson, Michael Sirow , and here co-writer Nick Morris and directors Jonathan Milot and Cary Murnion were the executive producers. Two years after she escaped a violent attack on her family, Becky attempts to rebuild her life in the care of an older woman - a kindred spirit named Elena. But when a group known as the "Noble Men" break into their home, attack them, and take her beloved dog, Diego, Becky must return to her old ways to protect herself and her loved ones. . She's back !. There once was a little girl... She's having a bloody good time !. When she's bad, she's horrid !. Armed. Dangerous. And really angry. Hell hath no fury like a 16-year-old scorned !. She's having a bloody good time !. When she's bad, she's horrid !.

The predecessor film, ¨Becky (2020)¨ with Lulu Wilson and Kevin James, became by surprise one of the highest-grossing films in the United States billboards decimated by the Covid-19 pandemic and also swept its simultaneous video-on-demand broadcast. This follow-up happens three years after having escaped the violent attack against her family that left her father dead, the young Becky tries to return to normality with the elderly Elena and her dog Diego, but when a fascist group breaks into her house, ending everything, the desire Becky's revenge surface again. In ¨The Wrath of Becky (2023)¨there're great doses of action, gore and a lot of black humor that characterize the continuation of the revenge thriller Becky that premiered in 2020. The whole story builds up to a handful of gritty , gory and imaginative murders and neo-Nazis , and that's why it is really tense and creepy , exactly what you're getting. It's plausible and predictable , it's not particularly intelligent or original, teen girl wastes a group of white supremacists. Containing grisly killings , black humor and It has a blast watching Becky/Lulu Wilson delivering comeuppance to the villains and get herself out of trouble, only to wind up in more messes. Stars Lulu Wilson who's very efficient as a slasher maniac in her intensity, but the situations are incredible and unlikely. Lulu gives a nice performance, who is joined by Seann William Scott (American Pie) who puts aside his humorous roles to play here a ruthless and merciless villain.

The motion picture was professionally directed by Matt Angel, and Suzanne Coote , though it has some flaws and gaps with full of unlikely incidents and unbelievable situations. 'The Wrath of Becky' rating: 5.5/10 . Acceptable and passable. The flick will appeal to Lulu Wilson and Seann William Scott fans.
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