Looks Like I'm The Odd Man Out
23 March 2024
This is just another flimsy conspiracy theory documentary building a mountain of a conspiracy garbage on flimsy, weak evidence.

It's been heavily proven that eye witness testimony is NOT the great source of evidence that we once thought it was. In fact, it's become so flimsy that prosecutors now of days don't and won't solely depend on it anymore when trying a case and won't even take a case to court if the only evidence they have is eyewitness testimony like they used to in the past. It's the same reasons why a confession alone isn't enough to try a case anymore, they have to have other physical and circumstantial evidence backing up and proving the confession to be true as best as they can or in court terms, "beyond a reasonable doubt."

Almost ALL the cases that the innocence project have taken on and proved that the convicted person was actually wrongfully convicted, all had garbage, bunk eyewitness testimony in them. In fact, some of them, the wrongfully convicted person was convicted solely on eyewitness testimony that was completely wrong and incorrect and they were fortunate enough to be exonerated by DNA evidence later on, and these are cases from the 80's and 90's before DNA was discovered and heavily utilized in criminal cases! It's called the "Gold Standard" of evidence for a reason, cause it not only convicts people, it can exonerate them as well.

If you really want to know the truth to JFK's assassination, you need to watch JFK: The Smoking Gun. It is a documentary that examines the ballistics and PHYSICAL EVIDENCE of what took place and occurred on 11-22-63. It explains the "magic bullet" and how it wasn't magic, it was just incorrect in the Warren Commissions findings and that Governor Connally was placed incorrectly in president's limo and when moved to the correct place where he was actually sitting, shows a straight trajectory in line of all the hit points of JFK and Governor Connally. It also explains why the final 3rd shot caused different damage and ultimately fatally ended JFK's life. There actually was two shooters and two different guns and bullets fired into him. But it all came from behind him. Not only does JFK: The Smoking Gun explain and lay all of this out, it explains why the Secret Service acted the way they did after the assassination and broke the chain of evidence command as well as flat out ignored Texas's laws in regards to not allowing a body to leave the hospital when an autopsy needs to be performed when a homicide has occurred. Watch the doc if wanna know more. It's free on all the free streaming apps with ads.

So, do I trust a bunch of still in medical school and in residency doctor's eyewitness testimony from 60 years ago? And that I'm sure were under extreme stress and duration and pressure at the time of their examination of JFK? Nope! Do I trust PHYSICAL FORENSIC BALLISTIC evidence? Yep. Mainly cause I have two associates degrees in crime scene investigation and forensics because before I got disabled, I was in school to become a crime scene tech as my career.

So yeah, now keep in mind, JFK: The Smoking Gun is only one side of a two-sided coin. There's a hole other side in regards to Oswald and Ruby and all that narrative, but that's another story for another time.
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