Literally WHAT?
22 March 2024
So once again, here's the self-declared hero swooping in to pump up another pharmaceutical company in Ozempic! Seriously, how much is. Novo Nordisk paying her for this cute little infomercial, anyway?

This shilling by legacy media and pseudocelebs in favor of these companies is absolutely corrupt. I'll say this louder for people in the back- OBESITY IS NOT A DISEASE. PERIOD. If this is some sort of plague on society, then WHY are there no morbidly obese people puttering around Africa, the Middle East, China, etc? Funny how it's only a disease because it's practically in epidemic proportions in places with glutinous appetites, a lethargic populace, and an infatuation with a sedentary lifestyle.

Oprah half crying because somehow she's been fighting her brain this whole time is nauseating- but what's NOT being discussed are the incredibly serious side effects these injections are bringing about- serious mental health issues to the point that stopping this is not as easy as putting the syringe down, or you can risk serious withdrawal symptoms. There's a high risk of suicidal ideation, and you will be taking these shots the rest of your life, even if you happen to invest in good therapy and completely change your dietary habits, stopping this medication will result in gaining the weight back. Then there's the risk of cancer, which rises exponentially.

Please, do not take injections in the hopes of a miracle- there are no such treatments. This has been foisted on to the public for black label use with NO RESEARCH done as to long term ramifications. We just went through this with another injectable medication that we later discovered had undergone almost no clinical trials on humans, and now we're seeing the damages. Pharmaceutical companies only have your wallet on their minds and couldn't care less about your overall health.
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