Review of Wish

Wish (II) (2023)
"Every man and every woman is a star." (Aleister Crowley, The Book of the Law)
21 March 2024
If someone wanted to be uncharitable towards this latest Disney animated feature, they might say that it is a satanic perversion of everything Disney fables used to represent (see above quote). While that's something I did consider while watching this, I don't think I'll explore that path much further. What Wish definitely is is an attempt to appeal to nostalgia and subverting expectations at the same time, while not really succeeding at either. The animation was fine; the songs inoffensive, if unmemorable (Chris Pine was a pretty good singer, though); the humor in short supply. The best things I can say are that it didn't overstay its welcome and was marginally better than Strange World. But what a disappointing way to celebrate Disney's centennial.
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