Lucian Freud: Portraits (2004 TV Movie)
20 March 2024
What makes Jake Auerbachs films unlike other art documentaries is that they are a view artists and art as the subject, rather than a reference as critic or historian. Personal interest comes from the subjects themselves, friendship with the director and interpretation, from the viewer. All the information is there and perhaps a little more.

In short, Jake Auerbachs films about art are not from the view of, I am an art critic and 'i am going to tell you about Art' but are Artists talking about what they do. Perhaps it should always have been like this.

In this film, it is not about the artist talking but about the artist from the view of the sitters, those that sat for him. Probably the best next and most personnel account. But, it does allow for personal comment. As Lucian Freud had such an extraordinary personality which is hard to ignore in relation to his work, I think this is the best way.

If you are anything like me, it is a delight to hear and see people expressing themselves honestly and sharing thoughts. We don't all have the same frame of mind, in fact everyone is completely different but basic emotion and feeling can be expressed through interaction and to communicate and to tell what we know through what we have known. Social media tends to created it's own portrayal of heroes, with little depth concerning work, and education follows such trend. A film of thoughts about what it was like to have been there, people talking one to one to the viewer provides an insight and helps towards the generosity needed towards what i can only describe as appreciation.

When i was young, i didn't really like Freud It is more recently that i have come to see just how good some of the pictures are. Jake Auerbachs is giving the opportunity to look again, to dispel untruths, give insight and to make it real. In doing so has also made one of the best documentaries on art.

I highly recommend this film to everyone. I think even if you don't like paintings, you will enjoy it. The whole work of Jake Auerbach is good. If i could afford them i would buy them all on DVD. I'm looking forward to Celia Paul; private view and just waiting to find it one day in a second hand bookshop, which is where i found this DVD.
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