The Streets of San Francisco: The Albatross (1973)
Season 1, Episode 23
18 March 2024
A revenge story distinguished by excellent performances. Ed Nelson hits all the right notes as a grieving father determined to kill his young son's murderer. The villain is well played by Kaz Garas although I laughed when Stone remarked of a witness, "Let's see if she can identify his ugly puss." Kaz was effectively menacing but hard to imagine anyone thinking him ugly.

A few errors distracted in the beginning: when Kaz has fled the scene of the crime, dispatch describes him (to officers endeavouring to intercept him) as wearing a denim jacket when it is actually leather. The surprise reveal at the pre trial hearing was evidence I thought would have been necessary to present to prosecution in advance but I don't know law so this may be correct procedure.

Minor quibbles, as the story's fast pace is wholly engaging; it's very suspenseful during the final showdown between Kaz and Ed. Perhaps that's one of the more unique aspects of this episode-less focus on Detectives Stone and Keller than the guest characters. That's a refreshing change, especially with skillful actors. 9/10.
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