This Is Us: Forty: Part Two (2020)
Season 5, Episode 2
Can we all agree Randall is the worse?
17 March 2024
I never watched This Is Us when it originally aired and it's currently available - in Australia - on streaming so I've been bingeing it. Season 1&2 were great and I really enjoyed Randall. But he has just gotten progressively worse. But now it's to the point where I actually don't think I can continue to watch. Taking out his anger and frustrations regarding BLM on his sister and family, telling Kate he's too exhausted by them, whilst at the same time still needing to control their mother and see himself as a saviour is just ridiculous. He is insufferable. They've just turned him into the most weak character and I hate him. Can see why many others gave up on the show at this point.
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