Madame Web (2024)
Its neither the worst superhero movie of all time or as bad as peoples make it to be
16 March 2024
I skipped this in theatre because i don't really enjoy theatre that much these days. I prefer to watch movies at home. I usually go only to avoid heavy spoiler movies or if its really a huge CGI/VFX spectacle like the Godzilla/Kong movies, Pacific Rim or the recently released Dune Part 2. Its just better watching movies at home for me not having to deal with annoying peoples eating, slurping soda, coughing and at times hitting the seats etc...

So that said i was still very curious and "exited" to see this one, as i wanted to see what was so bad about it for peoples to trash it so hard. Turn out its nowhere near as bad as i expected...

Yes this is not a great movie by any means and it has a fair share of issues. But for one watch i taught it was alright.

I would say the biggest issue is probably how little action there is in the movie. The problem being that Cassandra's power is predicting the futur and the other girls are just normal humans at that point while the vilain is a Spider-Man kinda guy beside shooting webs. So its a bit harder to have any big battles.

Peoples lately been complaining about "CGI messes" in superhero flicks but at least it gives us action and its more entertaining. Here despite a few explosions and such you kinda feel its very toned down and more reminiscent of the 2000s.

Speaking wich... The movie takes place in the 2000s. I guess its because they originally planned to include these characters in some "crossovers" or ensemble cast or such so it had to be set in the past but it really do not bring much to the movie.

If anything it pull out a few things that were a bit hard to swallow. For instance being able to travel right after 9/11 while being wanted by the police. Or the vilain needing some "advance tech" (for the time period) to locate the girls. There is a few situations like these where you need to really not think too long about it otherwise it does look completely impossible.

But when it comes to me, i can usually just enjoy a silly movie for 2h of entertainement and not focuss too much on these details. I think this is how these movies are supposed to be watched.

In other words when i finished Madame Web i taught "bah... that was ok, i had some fun with it". Then i watched a bunch of reviews and spoiler talks on Youtube where they dissects the movie apart and yes then i can see all these "plot holes" and issues. But on the spot... i didn't really because i didn't focuss on this.

Even tough i "review" every movies i see these days, i consider myself a movie fan, not a film critic. You can see that i enjoy about 90%+ of movies i watch to various degrees going usually from 6 to 10 out of 10. Im rather easily pleased with movies, i look for fun and entertainement, not art in them, and i usually watch what i think ill enjoy. And even when its a movie i didn't enjoyed that much, often i recognize its qualities and that it was just not in the style i like. For instance when its very slow paced.

So for me to dump on a movie, it need to be awfull. Madame Web was not the case for me. It wasn't anything special but i felt it was overall a coherent movie, it told its story.

I do have a question tough. You cast Sydney Sweeney in your movie. Why give her the role of the "unatractive dork" when you have one of the sexiest woman alive today? They gave her baggy cloathes, glasses, average haircut, but its still Sydney Sweeney ... and her big ...assets. She was really misscast in my opinion.

Well that was a long one. So overall no its not "so bad its good" like Batman & Robin. But its neither so bad and boring as Catwoman. I think i may had liked this one more than Morbius personally. I was fine seeing it once, but not really interested to rewatch it ocasionally like Phase 1-3 of Marvel movies.
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