Tales from the Crypt: The Secret (1990)
Season 2, Episode 18
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15 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
We've hit the last episode of season 2 of Tales from the Crypt. Are you still out there reading?

This is based on one of the most reused plots in EC Comics: an orphan gets adopted by potentially evil parents but the twist ending changes it all up for everyone.

The Crypt Keeper starts it off by saying, ""What?! So where's the twist? And I had such great expectations. Ah, now here is a story you can sink your teeth into. A toothsome tale of tommyrot guaranteed to scare the dickens out of you! Lean in, fright fans. I'm going to let you in on "The Secret.""

Theodore (Mike Simmrin) has left the Gaines Orphanage - get it? - and adopted by Colberts (Grace Zabriskie and William Frankfather) who give him whatever he wants but never let him leave his room. His only friend is the butler Tobias (Larry Drake) who was also an orphan. They've been sweetening his blood because, well, they're vampires. But the secret is that he's really a werewolf.

This episode was directed by J. Michael Riva, who only directed one other thing - an episode of Amazing Stories - and was mainly a production designer. It was written by Doug Ronning, who only wrote this script and one other episode of the show. It's the second appearance of Larry Drake, who was memorably Santa in the second episode.

The story comes from "The Secret" which was in Haunt of Fear #24. That story was written by Carl Wessler and drawn by George Evans.

This is a wonderful episode to close the season out on. I'll be back next week with the first episode of season three, "Loved to Death."
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