Review of The Raven

The Fall of the House of Usher: The Raven (2023)
Season 1, Episode 8
overstuffed mess of an episode but still, pretty fun
14 March 2024
As this series draws to a close, they're making more liberal use of Poe quotes, which is nice. And I was completely off base in my theory about who was bricked up in the basement, but the person it did turn out to be, makes a lot more sense for the story, and also explains a certain recurring motif.

Special kudos to Mary McDonnell and Mark Hamill, who have been spectacular throughout the series, standouts in a very strong cast. But I hope they paid McDonnell a lot of money considering her final scene, which was so over the top as to be downright farcical in a cheap haunted house way and really does not wrap up Roderick and Madeline's story appropriately.

Pym gets a better denouement. That seemed right for the character and contrasted with the way the other characters went out.

Overall, this series isn't as good as Flanigan's best, but is worth watching all the way through. Choosing to mash up Poe with the opioid epidemic was probably not smart. The trouble is, the opioid epidemic may be bad, evil, disgusting, deplorable, etc. But not horrifying because horror requires an element of surprise.

When a priest tries to end death and suffering in the world, as in Midnight Mass, and it has terrible results, that is horror because we don't expect that. But when corporate a-holes do evil things for money, that's not a surprise at all.

I've seen good premises ruined by bad execution (the Star Wars prequel movies spring to mind) but this is the opposite: good execution expended on an iffy premise.
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