Review of Cellphone

Cellphone (2024)
Not good at all
13 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is not a good movie. I reviewed this already but for whatever reason, it got deleted. First of all, you need to understand that the high score reviews are from hilariously obvious people who know someone who worked on this movie or were paid to do so. Maybe both. This is both sad and pathetic and very, very dishonest. Besides the fact that it spits in the face of other indie films. People who legitimately make good films. This is not one of those good films.

The premise of this movie is already not great. A woman who suffers a tragedy goes to take care of an old house for whatever reason. Guess what? The house is haunted! Well, maybe. We never really are told for sure. So she spends her time sitting and looking out the window and having endless flashbacks to her boyfriend. Seriously, so many flashbacks. Her phone also rings randomly and makes weird creepy noises when it rings. So I guess ghosts know how to make phone calls and also change the preferences on your phone so that the creepy sound is a notification for when it calls. Awesome.

Soon we learn that another person hung himself after his girlfriend got killed by him while he was possessed or something? I don't even know. The only good thing in this movie is the guy who plays Chris. He's funny and actually a decent actor. The rest is just bad. The girl "fights" a demon or ghost or Pokémon that looks like her and learns to drive a car again and saves Chris from her evil twin. Seriously, this movie is just bad.
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