Horror High (1973)
A modern day version of Jekyll and Hyde
13 March 2024
A student who spends time with one favorite subject, and neglected the others. A introverted student who spends most of the time with his chemistry experiment, and less time with English and P. E. His teacher flunks the paper in class, and chops up his Chemistry paper. His Guinea Pig is accosted by the janitor's cat.

One night, his test formula is consumed by his pet, and kills the cat. He consumed the formula, and kills the janitor.

He also kills the English teacher and the coach.

Just say that he has let the madness get the best of him. He would have gotten even with others who have done him wrong, but that's not the way to handle bullies.

Looks cheesy, but it was fun to watch. Regardless of the change.

2 out of 5 stars.
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