Octodad: Dadliest Catch (2014 Video Game)
Why this game sucks!
12 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Some more lore would have been useful.

The game seemed pretty fun at first, but after playing the game again a few times, it got really boring.

The game was really short, it only takes you about two and a half hours to finish the main story.

To be honest, I expected going to more "exciting" places, like a mall or something, BUT BOY WAS I WRONG! You only go to a wedding, your house, a grocery store, an aquarium, a boat during a flashback, and for the shorts, a fancy restaurant and a hospital (and a wrestling ring, but only for a millisecond).

Stacy: "Dad, do trees feel pain?" Tommy: "Geez, Stacy. Dumb things like trees and animals don't feel pain." Me: "YOU CLEARLY HAVE NO EDUCATION WHATSOEVER! DOES YOUR MOM EVER TAKE YOU TO THIS THING CALLED SCHOOL? CLEARLY ALL (BUT NOT ALL) ANIMALS FEEL PAIN!"

Tommy: "Wait! If Dad is an octopus, then where did me and Stacy come from?" Everyone: "*laughs*" Me: "STOP LAUGHING, YOU BOZOS! I'll tell you where you kids came from, you kids were adopted since you were newborn babies and your mom and so-called dad never told you about it!"

Stacy: "Um, what's cardiac arrest?" Tommy: "I dunno, its just one of those doctor things people say on TV." Not gonna lie, as they said that, I didn't know what it was so embarrassing enough, I googled it. For those who don't know, its when the heart stops pumping. Its also how Michael Jackson died.

Octodad's name is NOT Octodad. That's just what everybody calls him outside the franchise. His real name? He literally does not have one.

How is it whenever this octopus wears clothes, everyone sees him as a human?! Also, how can everyone understand this octopus?!

A woman kissed an octopus. LITERALLY! Whoever literally kissed an octopus for real needs to get a life.

How did the mom and kids not overhear that their octopus dad was gonna get killed by a chef driving a giant lawnmower?! Are they deaf or something?!

Why would an octopus want sushi?! An octopus is a sea animal and sushi is seafood and some sushi recipes are made of octopus.

Good qualities:

The references are pretty good. Adventure Time, Minecraft, My Little Pony & Super Meat Boy.

The soundtrack is pretty nice.

There's also a workshop too, I suppose. It doesn't feel very exciting though.

"They hide AMONG US!"
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