This episode would never air today... or in the 2000s
10 March 2024
This episode is so simple that there was no way they could screw it up... (sees episode) okay... maybe.

So the episode is as basic as it comes except I can't shake up this feeling that it's preaching about endangered species and how white people are ruining the world. In the first 5 minutes, we are introduced to this very affluent English speaking Shaman who sees it as his mission to tell the scientist about prophecy: white people came out of the sea with green veins and catlike eyes(not like we are related homie) bring sticks that make fire (as opposed to Arabs who brought canons and gunpowder) and will bring "great hunger" (as opposed to: "they will fix smallpox, forced enslavement and lift millions out of poverty and hunger) but let's go with that, activists gonna activist.

Also the episode implies that there are many "angry white men". There are only 2 poachers and 4 and half white Quest men in the whole episode. Strange, where are these : "(many) angry white men"?

Oh well, let's forget that... what I find it funny is that they have a "Quest Rover" for this trip in the Saffary and who is fixing it? Race Bannon! The brilliant engineer who built... wait... why is it called a "Quest Rover"? Did Race sell his intellectual rights to Benton?!

Nah, actually Benton was supposed to have engineered this car... but Race needs something to do this episode since he can take out soldiers and mercenaries with his eyes closed but two flabby poachers with guns?! Nope... Race wasn't allowed to have a gun this episode... in Africa... on a Safari... with wild animals... unsupervised...

I also find find it funny how the shenanigans with the poachers, the unreliable boarder patrol and the kids...

Whatever the case... this episode feels both like a Johnny Quest and yet very Captain Planet-y.

The visuals are great though. The lightning and the contrast between the yellow and Jessie's red hair are also pretty brilliant...

As for the story... eh... good... not great.
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