Makes no sense
10 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
They Show even less of Kung Fu Monkey. This plot makes no sense just magical. I was honestly rating other Kung Fu movies while watching this so I forgot a lot. But I do know that they finally show King Fu Dragon not being a spirit 20 Minutes in! The UFO Zodiac makes no sense and the boss is being treated like he can 1v12 them that's just not true Kung Fu monkey is there. The little Chinese boyfinnaly got new clothes and armor after like 10 years (I know he stinks) some of these characters such like the Pig Chicken and the old mountain goat I could take them out. And the boy needs to stop calling literally everyone master it's getting annoying. I'm watching the end right now and WHY DID THEY OPEN THE GATE AGAIN! This is so stupid, who thought it was smart to make the little Chinese boy fight the final boss. I thought they said all 12 of them couldn't beat the boss but the boy can. All of the Kung Fu animals beat the boy in every 1v1 in there movies. Wait a minute is the little Chinese boy in gold armor naked I though the was a PG-G movie what the frick someone look into this but not Kung Fu Monkey that movie is amazing. Again A PG-G movie and he just committed a mass murder of all the citizens. The stomach scene is just weird, why is there no stomach acid and the voice actors need new lines the boss has said "keep dreaming" 3 times in 5 minutes. He's tricked the little Chinese boy 5 too many times, Pre school kids are smarter than this. This big fight scene is just boring and very predictable. The only thing I liked is when the Little Chinese boy remembers his lessons from the great almighty Kung Fu Monkey and when he shows up and almost kicks the bosses behind. Also didn't know Fireworks had lock on systems in them. Very sad when his masters left especially losing my boy Kung fu Monkey. I don't understand how he found or got his parents back but ok? In overall I've watched 3 movies of the apparent 50 "Kung Fu Monkey" "Kung Fu Dragon" and this. I'm sure some of the other movies are good but definitely not as good as Kung Fu Monkey, that deserves and award and to be talked about more but I rate this 6/10 I also love every line at the bottom of the cover, they are funny. Thank you Kung Fu series I'll always remember Kung Fu Monkey but probably forget the rest. Yours Truly Kung Fu Monkey Lover!
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