The Walking Dead: Dead Weight (2013)
Season 4, Episode 7
The tension builds as the Governor's plan to take over the prison begins to take shape, setting the stage for a dramatic confrontation
9 March 2024
The Governor's return to leadership is explored further as he takes control of a new group and sets his sights on the prison. The episode delves into the Governor's manipulation and deception, showing his willingness to do whatever it takes to protect his new "family." The tension builds as the Governor's plan to take over the prison begins to take shape, setting the stage for a dramatic confrontation. The episode also explores themes of power and control, as the Governor seeks to assert his dominance over those around him.

The major flaw of this two-parter is that, as told, there really isn't enough story to justify spending two episodes on it. It's not hard to understand why the writers wanted to: by giving Brian a full hour in "Live Bait" to get to know Lily, Megan, and Tara, they had a chance to get inside his head in a way that made his actions in the following episode more powerful. And even "Dead Weight" had sluggish spots. In particular, Brian's sudden decision to try and get his family out of the camp after he kills Martinez and realizes the new leaders might not be so friendly (and that he might have to kill again) is a pointless plot cul-de-sac; it's arguably there to reinforce Brian's feeling that he's trapped, but it's not necessary, and even the neat visual of a muddy road full of zombies doesn't really redeem it.

Still, this was one of the highlights of the season so far, and goes a good distance towards helping to shore up some of the questionable aspects of the Governor's character. By forcing us to piece together his motives, the writers have succeeded in making the man more than just a vague collection of potential threats. He now has a very clear purpose, and woe betide anyone he decides is in his way. Early in the episode, Martinez tells him and the others that he won't allow any "dead weight" in his group. It sounds like a threat, but turns out to be hollow; Martinez is a decent enough, and it's hard to imagine him stabbing anyone in the back who failed to live up to standards. The Governor, though? To the Governor, everyone is weight. It's just that some of them aren't dead yet.
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