There's something really uncanny . . .
9 March 2024
. . . in how the beginning of The Bullwinkle Show's BURIED TREASURE saga anticipates the major developments of the following 65 years in the field of Real Life American journalism. The first part of BURIED TREASURE deals with a failing local newspaper, the Frostbite Falls, MN Picayune Intelligence-er. Getting readers to pony up a nickel for only one of every 2,000 copies of the paper printed, the Picayune is teetering on the brink of bankruptcy. This will sound quite familiar to any working journalist in 2024. Foreshadowing the transition to a "cold press," the Picayune proprietor begins printing issues on hot cakes and unsold back copies. Anyone who has sampled the actual papers of 2024 will find this film innovation to be an extremely accurate forecast for the quality of so-called "hard copies" of newspapers Today. Many people aver that the Wall Street Journal is best read with maple syrup. To each his own.
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