Roots Search (1986 Video)
Silly ending, but I had fun otherwise.
5 March 2024
Roots Search really goes off the rails in the final 10 or so minutes, like it really had no idea how to end. Even before that point, I kind of get why this has its detractors (even though it's niche, and probably only attracts the kinds of people who are into old-school anime), because before it goes off the deep end, nothing about it feels particularly original or creative. But it's only 45 minutes long and delivers on having some weird sci-fi/horror stuff, undoubtedly wearing its influences on its sleeve, but that stuff didn't bother me too much. I'd be willing to call it genuinely underrated if it didn't just run out of steam at a point and effectively give up before abruptly rolling credits, but it's hard to get too mad at something when it doesn't waste much of your time in the first place. If it had delivered an ending like that after a runtime that exceeded 90 minutes, it would probably be a different story.
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