Northern Exposure: The Bad Seed (1992)
Season 4, Episode 7
The Daughter from Hell
4 March 2024
Valerie Perrine, who was best known as Montana Wildhack in the movie version of Kurt Vonnegut's "Slaughterhouse Five," comes to town claiming to be Holling's daughter. She proceeds to cheat people out of money and turn Shelly against Holling. She is really despicable but she is, indeed, Holling's daughter from many year's past. He never was told about her. In other plot elements Marilyn and her mother aren't getting along so Marilyn goes to Maggie to find her her own house. The taciturn Marilyn is not exactly the best real estate client. Finally, Ed has affection for a sandhill crane and Chris give advice on how to treat this bird. It's all really dumb. Chris is insufferable at times with his pronouncements and know it all personality.
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